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What one thing makes the difference?

We asked what one thing makes you feel included - and excluded - from your work group or team

What one thing makes the difference?

Inclusion is both a set of behaviours and a feeling

Within CLS we have been talking about diversity and inclusion. Our team is diverse in many ways. We are spread across the globe, speak many languages, come from many cultures. Some people speak six languages and have lived in many countries. Some speak one and have always lived in one place. We are diverse but that doesn’t mean we all feel included all of the time. So we asked our team When you are working with other people, what one thing makes you feel included in the group or team? What one things makes you feel excluded?

The answers were interesting so we opened it up to people outside of CLS. You can take part too. It’s just two questions, will take one minute of your time and is completely anonymous. Click here to answer the question for yourself. 

What one thing helps you feel included in the group or team?

A group coming together to fistbump.

Everyone works in teams. It could be virtual, physical, matrix, project, some or all and more of these. We all know what it feels like to be part of a team. There is a sense of belonging, we work together to achieve common goals, there is trust, great communication. We might all be working on different things but we are all going the same way to achieve something, together. 

According to our survey, that feeling of inclusion can be created very simply with certain behaviours. Perhaps it won’t be a surprise to learn that communication is the key to inclusion. 

An infographic on what can make you feel included as part of a team.

What one thing makes you feel excluded from the group or team?

Communication and behaviour are the answers. Perhaps it is no surprise. When it is so simple to make sure people feel included, why do we do things which make them feel excluded?

An infographic on what can make you feel excluded from the team.

What can everyone do to improve inclusion?

Whether you manage, lead or participate in teams, everyone has an impact on how inclusive – or exclusive – that team feels. Skills in being a ‘good’ manager or ‘good’ leader will only take you so far. You need to communicate well and in a way which suits the people around you. If you get that right, then your team will be able to work in new ways and achieve things you haven’t even thought of yet. 




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