At a time when so many companies are focused on how to keep talented people in their business as well as attract new talent, how does your organization prioritize your people? The first step to attracting and retaining the people you need is to understand their challenges.
Different segments of your workforce have different needs, so Kelvion’s Global Women’s Network was delighted to have Jannie Tam as their keynote speaker earlier this year, talking about “The Power of Focus”.
Jannie Tam is an experienced multinational and multicultural trainer and facilitator. Not only has she built up her own business, GROWDynamics Talent Development based in Hong Kong, Jannie also is an Asian working mother, a global networker and she is deeply connected to her business and personal community. Jannie’s keynote address shared valuable insights on navigating the complexities of the multifaceted roles we all have, as global citizens throughout various stages of our careers. Her address will cover the importance of meaningful connections, the impact of our personality and how cultural expectations affect women’s roles.
As well as focusing on talent development, Jannie is well-versed in ESG – Environmental, Social and Governance. This framework gives companies the principles to demonstrate a sustainable approach to business. A key component of sustainability centers on people, including employees and stakeholders. It emphasizes fair treatment and growth opportunities for individuals of different genders, generations, and cultural backgrounds – areas in which Jannie specializes to help leaders focus on.
Jannie will share her keynote address, The Power of Focus, with a wide audience on Friday October 18th and you are very welcome to attend. Whatever your background, the stage of your career or the many complexities you deal with at home and work, there will be something for you to learn, reflect on and share, in Jannie’s address. Do join us by completing the booking form below. We look forward to seeing you in October.
Register here
Date: Friday October 18th
Time: / 10:30 AM London time 11:30 AM CET / 5:30 PM Hong Kong time