Team performance
Is L&D part of your business strategy?
Learning & development is essential to talent management and business strategy. Yet sometimes we overlook its value to organizational success.

Developing team performance for more agile, innovative organisations
Can L&D support organisational success?
When the senior team is preparing strategy and business plans, learning and development can have a key role to play. So you want to achieve these business goals? By when? How are your people going to do that? What support do they need? Is coaching or mentoring going to help them hit their objectives? Does team performance need to improve? Do managers need new skills or to improve existing skills? Is your customer service up to the mark? Do your quality audits return the right results? Are you encouraging people to develop new solutions and innovate? Is your waste management, your cost reduction strategy, your business development, your competitive edge, putting your business exactly where you want it to be?
If your business isn’t precisely where you want it, then your L&D team can help with that. You just need to decide what outcomes you want to see.
It’s too easy to think of L&D as just people going on courses. Your L&D team can help change your business world if you let them. Sometimes you just need to look at what they can do, a little differently.
Have your considered the value proposition of L&D?

The pandemic is accelerating the pace of change globally, with people having to adjust to new ways of living and working almost overnight. We have adapted so much and no one has found it easy. What’s more, we are still in the middle of pandemic led change. We know we are running a marathon now. We just have no idea how many more miles there are to run.
Learning and Development teams are a powerful asset in supporting people to adapt and even thrive. This is partly about how and when learning is delivered and partly about what is offered. Your new way of working is still evolving and your people need to be OK with that uncertainty and change. That’s where a good quality L&D strategy comes into its own.
Your L&D team already has powerful skill sets. When you leverage them your business becomes flexible, adaptable and your people find new ways to deliver excellent performance. L&D can provide the support, ideas and development tools to help all of your teams meet the new and emerging demands of your business. Whatever “success” looks like in your organisation, learning and development can support and help to create that. From helping leaders be flexible, adaptable and resilient, through to supporting teams and managers to deliver outstanding, innovative and sustainable performance.
Your people are your business performance
How important are your people to your business? If you aren’t actively working on replacing people with automated processes then your people have value. So if they have value you might want to keep them and encourage them to deliver high quality work for your business. A reliable way of doing that is to provide appropriate L&D interventions.

You probably employ 3- 5 different generations and they all want something different. Having a robust, far reaching and flexible L&D strategy is one way of encouraging people to engage with you. To get the best from your people, you will need to adapt to the expectations of the generations joining your workforce. L&D teams understand the varying needs of millenials and boomers. They can help you to leverage the skills and talents of all your employees.
L& D helps you recruit and keep the right talent for your business. Talented people are often motivated by visible signs that an employer offers development and the opportunity to put that learning into practice. Your L&D team have the solutions for that.
Perhaps you want to improve team performance. Managers with the right kind of skills and approach is key to developing team performance. All managers are different so it’s likely yours will need some support. L&D can help shape and deliver successful teams.
If you are concerned about stress levels, performance levels and the impact of home working on different functions, L&D can help with that, too. Providing well being strategies and opportunities to learn how to use them, are powerful tools in organizational development.
How are your leaders doing? Would they like some support too? L&D can arrange that for you. Providing bespoke coaching and development for senior executives is essential if you want your senior team to be able to continue to lead well, through stress, change and challenge.
The benefits and value of training and development act like a domino effect; managers feel competent and can efficiently influence employee performance; people who are happy at work deliver higher levels of performance; attracting, retaining and making effective use of talent improves engagement and business performance.
Have you asked L&D how they can support your organizational ambitions?
What is your single biggest business issue right now? Have you discussed it with L&D? There is a high probability they can help you find solutions. Part of the answer may be around skills development, or behaviour change. It could be you need design thinking skills, innovation techniques, improved communication skills or a hundred other things to help get the people performance you need happening in the business. When you bring L&D into the discussion on delivering business outcomes, you get a whole new range of ideas and solutions to work with.
Here at CLS we know that our clients use learning & development solutions to strengthen and develop their businesses. We see new behaviours, thinking and solutions happen all the time. Our clients come back time and again because we work with you, to deliver the business outcomes you want. Everything we do is designed to help you achieve your strategic and operational outcomes. When we partner with you and your L&D team, our focus is on your business success.
For business solutions which work, talk to your L&D team. For delivery partners who can make those solutions a reality, talk to CLS.