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Tim Sims providing a talk on ethical leadership

Tim Sims

Based in

Tim’s approach to helping managers and leaders is driven by values and ethics. He specialises in ethical leadership.  “My great grandfather escaped the pogroms and spent much of his life helping others. There is a family chain stretching from him to me, people who believe in giving help, support, education and opportunities to those who want the tools to make things happen.”

Tim’s career is embedded in helping people to find their own best way of changing their situation. Tim trained Serbians in facilitation skills so they could rebuild their institutions without relying on external consultants. He worked with John Lewis Partnership, developing managers’ behaviour through challenge and coaching. Tim has worked on talent management programmes in the NHS, enabling rising leaders to learn how to lead, by helping them work it out on a practical basis for themselves.

“You don’t develop people by telling them what to do. You need to give them the skills and support to do it for themselves. There is no one ‘right’ way to be a great manager or a good leader. Everyone has their own particular style.”

Having worked across the world for many private and public sector organisations, Tim enjoys working with his colleagues in CLS. “CLS is made up of such interesting people. When we combine our skills, the learning is incredibly powerful. We have such varied backgrounds. We learn from each other, from our participants and we pour that learning back into the work we do for our clients. I’m very lucky to work with such expert, interesting people. CLS is quite a gift.”

Tim’s idea of relaxing is doing exploratory early morning runs, in countryside he’s visiting for the first time.


Working languages

English – fluent

Public Sector



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