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Stephane Janssoone

Based in

Stephane is atypical. Not only does Stephane have a great track record in business, he was also a professional athlete. As a triathlete, Stephane knows how to challenge himself in so many different ways. He understands focus, energy and commitment. Best of all, he understands how to help people like you and me, find the alignment we all need, to be our best self.

With an MBA, a track record in export, marketing, sales and business development gained with international businesses, Stephane understands the challenges businesses face. “As a director with P&L responsibility, I understand what it means to have teams and individuals depending on me doing my job well. I also know what it’s like to challenge and push yourself. Sometimes we find we cannot cope with stress anymore and that’s when things go wrong – for the person and for the business.”

When Stephane talks about well-being, he speaks of resilience and challenge. “Well-being is an indicator that you are well as a being, and that you probably found alignment with your purpose.” But being well is not about staying in your comfort zone. This concept doesn’t really exist. Comfort is more a set of patterns which makes us believe that we are in control. “Being well is about being adaptable and constantly seeking strategies to stimulate your adaptive responses, at physical, emotional and mental levels. It’s a progressive approach to challenge yourself to do better and be better, while trying to remain safe. It’s about learning to maintain grace under pressure.”

Stephane focuses on helping people find alignment. “For companies, leaders, managers and employees, there is an urge to establish coherence between who or what they truly are, what set of values drive their actions and decisions, and their purpose.”. It is about concentrating all available energies towards one direction. As a leader or a manager, you can surely help your teams find alignment, but you can’t do it for them. “As an individual, it is your responsibility to find yours and a unique opportunity to elevate yourself. So is to decide to change when your environment is not favourable.”  

Stephane is accredited for Myers-Briggs MBTI, Systemic coaching, Action Types – Deep Drivers, Wim Hof Innerfire and several breathing methods. He speaks several languages,  lives in France and works globally.


Working languages

English – fluent
French – fluent

Private Sector

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