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Rob Pearson

Based in

Rob, MBA, PhD, is an experienced business leader with a strong background in tech, marketing, management and learning.

An experienced board member, senior manager and CEO, Rob understands the challenges leaders and managers face.

As a facilitator and educator, he draws on his own experience and that of the organizations he works with. “Rob is exceptionally collaborative, strategic and visionary. He develops authentic trusting relationships and delivers outstanding results.”

Rob is very active as a community builder, having worked in health care, not for profit and higher education as well as commercial companies. He uses his deep understanding of media and technology to enable learning.

Based in Canada, Rob listens carefully to organizations to understand where they are starting from. “I love to harness disparate approaches and thought-leadership from a variety of disciplines including marketing, communications, psychology, and design thinking. Uniting this range and depth of thinking helps businesses move forward with their own strategy.”


Gram, T. & Pearson, R. (2018) Technology, Skills and the Future of Learning. Training Industry, December 11th, 2018

Pearson, R., & Myers, M. (2011) Design thinking: A new take on ADDIE. Learning Journal, Fall, 15 

Pearson, R. (2005) The Canadian Learning Industry; Promise and Challenge. Learning Journal, Spring, 9

Pearson, R., Taggart K, (2012) What instructional designers can learn from marketers. Learning Journal, Spring, 16

Donaldson, J.A., Smaldino, S,. & Pearson, R. (2006) Managing; In AECT Definitions Handbook. Ed. by A. Januszewski, Routledge, New York

Pearson, R. (2003) The Future is Now. HR Professional, October 25.


Memberships & Certificates

Certified Training and Development Professional at Institute For Performance Improvement I4PL
Certificate in Integrative Thinking at Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto

Working languages

English – native

Financial Services

Health Care


Professional Services

Food Retail

Police Services





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