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Catharina Biver

Based in

Catharina moved from a career in banking in Sweden, to one in sales and marketing in Europe. She understands the challenges of working in a global environment and the pressure that can cause. “I am not happy in my work unless I’m passionate about it.” Catharina got into training to rediscover her passion and help make a difference to the kind of managers she has spent her career with. Catharina’s aim is to ignite the spark in every person, to awaken the passion each of has for learning and communicating. “Learning is only part of the journey. There has to be a pay-off too. Changing things for the better is an essential outcome.”

Catharina specialises in presentation skills and team building. Her approach is very practical. “If you’re not in the driving seat at work, either you’re a passenger or even worse, you’re falling behind. Managers and their teams need to focus on the things which only they can do. I give them practical tools to enable that.”

With ICF coaching accreditation, NLP Master status and a range of other qualifications, Catharina makes sure that her training is supported by good quality theory. “No one really likes theory. I take dry, boring theory and make it interesting and practical. You need to be able to put your learning into practice or there is no point in doing it.” It’s also important to pay attention to the group you work with. “CLS challenges me. Everything we do is completely bespoke and you need to be able to adapt to the group in the room. If that means changing what you do in the moment, then that’s what we do.”

Catharina speaks five languages although English is the language most clients want her to work in. Experienced working in international business, she delivers training in many countries. She recharges her batteries with her dogs and horses, exploring the world around her.

Working languages




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